Our services

Com um time de advogados especializados e comprometido com o resultado, o BMM tem se destacado no mercado de recuperação de crédito em razão da utilização estratégica das informações obtidas através de ferramentas de BI (Business Intelligence) e emprego de técnicas por meio das quais é possível traçar o perfil de cada carteira, garantindo maior eficiência na recuperação do crédito.

Identificação de patrimônio oculto, grupo econômico e offshore através de investigação patrimonial e societária adotando medidas judiciais estratégicas visando a recuperação do crédito.

The methodology used to define the profile of each portfolio consists of identifying the type of credit – whether it comes from a commercial relationship, such as B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Commerce); is derived from a financial transaction, whose evaluation is made according to the quality and liquidity of the guarantee offered –, divided into ranges of average tickets, for each of which a specific treatment is given according to the identified profile.

Based on the definition of the profile of each portfolio, the lawyers appointed for the recovery of credits act strategically in the procedural sphere, choosing the most appropriate means of enforcement to achieve the desired end, including with the power of persuasion necessary to obtain agreements in the course processes, beneficial to the customer.

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